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[5.24] 쌍용차 추모@대한문

사용자 삽입 이미지

As already reported, last Sat.(5.19) thousands of activists took the streets in downtown Seoul to support the struggle of the dismissed SsangYong workers, damanding their re-employment(more info you'll get here!)...

And today the "authorities" retalieted: In the morning(9:30am) dozens of cops and employees/thugs, hired by Seoul's municipality raided the site of the SsangYong Memorial Service (nearby 'Daehanmun', the main entrance of Deoksugung/Palace in downtown Seoul), attacked the members of the sit-in struggle collective and finally destroyed everything there.

Here some impressions from the attack and what they (the cops etc.) left behind:


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사용자 삽입 이미지

But the struggle goes on! Since the early evening hundreds of people are gathering there to show their solidarity:

사용자 삽입 이미지


사용자 삽입 이미지


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Related articles:
경찰, 쌍차 분향소 강제 철거...충돌 NewsCham (5.24)
쌍용차 분향소 철거, 대한문 앞은 이미 '공안정국' (VoP, 5.24)
'덕수궁 분향소' 싹쓸이..."그건 쓰레기 아냐!" (OMN, 5.24)
쌍용차 분향소 추가 침탈을 규탄한다! (Press release, 5.24)




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